Home Improvement Blog


Posted by Bill Bateman on Wed, Aug 16, 2017 @ 09:06 AM

Monroe, NY is a growing town in Orange County, NY considered the metropolitan area. Many people have moved to the area over the years due to the beautiful scenary, great schools, cost of living, close to all highways and transportation and only less than an hour to New York City. Being born and raised in Monroe, NY we have seen many changes to the area and substantial growth that has strengthened our community. Its a great place to raise a family and for us to grow a business of over 40 years in the construction industry. The structure of the town is mostly hard working middle class that dwell here making for a great atomosphere with great neighbors.




Most people in the area own homes and as with any home, homes require maintainance. Many homeowners also want to remodel their home to increase the value and give it their own personal touch. WMB Construction has been making these dreams become reality for many years in the area. When choosing a contractor it is usually peace in mind to hire someone that has been local based serving the area for many years.



Over the years we have seen many contractors come and go, start under different names and disappear. New to the area or not it is a good thing to do your research on many of these contractors before hiring one to come into your own personal home. We all work hard for our money and want to get the best out of it with a competitive price from a competant contractor.


Tips in hiring a contractor:

  • Clean cut
  • Recommendations
  • Local contractor
  • Proper insurance
  • Puncuality
  • Well written contract




WMB Construction specializes:




Topics: General Contractor, Construction, contractor, egress windows, snowplowing, snow removal, carpenter

Benefits of an egress window/Orange County, NY

Posted by Bill Bateman on Thu, Aug 10, 2017 @ 08:05 AM


                         William M. Bateman



Its becoming more common around the country for customers to be installing egress windows in their basements. National code has been in effect for years requiring an egress window for safety measures for you and your family. Most recently in the past few years we have noticed a rise in egress window installations due to the fact that local building departments have been forcing them more and violations are being issued to customers that dont have one. These violations mostly come up when buying/selling a home, finishing basement or refinancing forcing the customer to install one in a timely matter before you can sell or do any other work to your basement.



Why you might need an egress window installed:

  • Buying/selling your home
  • Finishing your basement 
  • Need more light and ventilation in your basement
  • Safety reasons to protect you and your family
  • Peace in mind

Most of customers we experience wait until they are selling their home to install an egress window which holds up the closing process on both ends of the buyer/seller. Once installed every customer realizes the benefits and wishes they had installed one sooner. Its usually a 2-5 installation process that is done 90% from the exterior of your home limiting any distraction to your life and home.




Benefits of adding an egress window:

  • Added safety as a fire escape in the time of need
  • Better ventilation for your basement
  • More added light
  • Better access for larger items to enter your basement from outside
  • Helps with mold and mildew issues every basement experiences


When buying/selling your home like mentioned before, brings up last minute violations that brings nothing but last minute aggravation. Pre planning your egress window project will eliminate this and save you money without paying for extra violation costs that you local building department may require.





What to expect when installing a window in violation:

  • Closing process held up
  • Have to issue a building permit
  • Some building departments require engineered plans drawn up for basement floor plan
  • Extra permit fees
  • Electrical inspection
  • Proof of insurance from your contractor
  • Approval from the board for work to comence in some condo complexes



Egress windows have national code requirements that must be met before and during the installation. Choosing a good contractor that is familiar with these codes is key for an easy and painless installation process. The right equipment is necessary to do the project with the proper machines that will not ruin your property during the process.


What are the national codes for egress windows?

  • Window must be minimum of 5.7 square feet
  • Window sill height must not exceed 44" max
  • Window well must be 9 square feet inside dimensions
  • Window well must not exceed 44" without adding a ladder
  • Window must have 22" net clearing




WMB Construction has been performing egress window installations for years in the Hudson Valley NY region.  Contact today to set up your free estimate and we will come out and evaluate and price your project.



Check out our videos on some of out finished products







Topics: General Contractor, remodel, construction-general, Construction, outdoors, excavating, contractor, improvements, drainage, egress windows, finished basement, window

Bi-Level home remodeling ideas

Posted by Bill Bateman on Mon, Aug 07, 2017 @ 02:13 PM

There are many different  types and styles of homes around all the world. Centuries ago the home has evolved from a simple tent, cave, log cabin...... into the modern homes of today with all the amenities necessary for comfortable living. One of the most genius and popular designs is the Bi-Level home. It’s a design that became mostly popular in the 1960's and continues to this day to offer ample amounts of square footage for comfortable living under a simple and practical design.  


Why Bi-Levels are so popular:

  • Constructed easily on one square foundation
  • One standard roof line
  • Mostly one interior plumbing wall for all waste lines
  • Standard straight gutters
  • Two floors on top of each other for perfect economic heat exchange throughout house
  • Fits on a small building lot
  • Good square footage
  • Garage space
  • Most have 2-3 bathrroms for larger families
  • Plenty of space for laundry room
  • Back deck for relaxing or entertaining
  • Easy floor plan to clean




Bi-Levels offer a plethora of options in a small package that most homes do not. There are many different remodeling options with  Bi-Level ideas that can set your home apart creating a unique and comfortable atmosphere.





Bi-Level remodel options:


In the photo above we removed wall in between kitchen and living/dining room area. It instantly created an open floor plan with a more pleasing appeal. These walls removed are usually weight bearing so we had to add extra support in the ceiling to ensure the integrity of the homes weight load, especially in the winter months with heavy snow on your roof.


What we added from this upgrade:

  • An open floor plan
  • Increased airflow
  • More sitting/entertaining area
  • Added lighting
  • Custom oak top
  • New countertop and sink
  • Tile backsplash



In this photo above we added a fully maintainance free composite deck to replace the smaller old pressure treated deck. Composite decks add a little more money to a deck project over your tradition pressure treated lumber deck but in the long run add low maintainance and adds value to your home instantly. With that being said, pressure treated decks have been around for years and are tried and true. You can easily expect 30 years with the proper maintainance of apply stain every few years.





There are many different options for your home to make it the home of your dream and WMB Construction out of Orange County, NY can make those dreams become a reality. With over 30 years in the business we have the ideas and foresight to turn your Bi-Level into your own creation under one small roof.



Topics: General Contractor, remodel, contractor, egress windows, excavation, bi-level, carpenter

Egress window requirements/codes, Orange County, NY

Posted by william bateman on Mon, Apr 04, 2016 @ 06:11 PM



Adding an egress window to your home is an excellent idea, opening up your basement to fresh air and light and most importantly the safety of your family and your pets. Across the country it has become a national code and all homes must pass inspection and have an egress window if your basement is finished. 



Requirements for an egress window:

  • Window must be 5.7 square feet 
  • Window must have a clear opening of 20"
  • Window must be at least 24" in height
  • Window well must be 9 square feet interior dimensions
  • Sill height of window from inside floor of basement must not exceed 44"
  • Height inside window well must not exceed 44"
  • If inside/outside heights exceed 44", a ladder must be installed
  • Window must be operatable by hand with no tools
  • Bars on the outside of window will not be acceptable
  • Garage doors are not an acceptable exit


Click me


What are the benefits of adding an egress window?:

  • First off, the safety of your family and loved ones
  • Better ventilation because we all know basements can be stuffy and moist
  • Added natural light which makes for a better and more heathly atmosphere
  • If your basement is't finished this is a great way go get material in
  • Added value to your home



Here at WMBCONSTRUCTION we specialize in installing egress windows and all windows around the beautiful Hudson Valley in Monroe, NY. We know what your home means to you and mainly the safety of your family. These codes were put in play for a reason and even in our home town of Orange County, NY we have seen how they have helped save lives during a fire and at the same time improve everyday live when there is no tragedy.  

Topics: basements, contractor, home, drainage, egress windows, finished basement

Benefit of bathroom remodel

Posted by william bateman on Thu, Feb 11, 2016 @ 07:07 PM

We all have bathrooms in our homes and here at WMB CONSTRUCTION we pride ourselves in building and renovating them here in Orange County, NY 10950. Bathroom can range in any shape or size and can have many different features you can add or choose from. Nothing beats a hot shower on a cold morning or cold shower on a hot muggy day.

New or old revovation, bathroom designs are always exciting! Every customer has different tastes, wants and needs which makes it exciting for us to create your inside oasis. 


Bathroom options:

  • Bathtub
  • Showerstall
  • Concrete showerbase
  • Body jets
  • Jacuzzi
  • Jacuzzi tub
  • Bidet
  • Multiple showerheads
  • Heated floors
  • Handicap tubs and bars
  • Shower jets
  • In wall shelves




Bathrooms are a part of our everyday lives and we all deserve to be clean in a fashionable way. Nothing better than a nice bath/shower after a long days work or even a night on the town. 


Topics: Monroe NY, painting, General Contractor, construction-general, bathrooms, basements, contractor, anderson, toilet

Snowplowing in Orange County, NY

Posted by Bill Bateman on Mon, Feb 16, 2015 @ 04:22 PM



 Hear in the Northeast we can experience some pretty brutal snowstorms which can be crippling to our homes and our families. Not being able to leave your home for work, food or even medical emergencies can be an uneasy feeling, especially for the elderly. Choosing a reliable snowplow contractor is key and will leave you with peace in mind when the storms hit.




snowplowing contractor monroe ny


WMB Construction offers:


  • Residential snowplowing

  • Commercial snowplowing

  • Shoveling/snowblowing services

  • Ice control

  • Dependable service


snowplowing monroe ny contractor


WMB Construction will be with you throughout the duration of the storm, big or small. When large storms hit it may be required that your property be plowed more than once or maybe even numerous time to keep up with the weight of the snowfall. Some storms may also call for heavy machinery to be brought in to move heavy snow piles or snowfalls that our plow trucks can't handle. WMB Construction has machinery to handle this service too!

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Topics: General Contractor, construction-general--monroe, contractor, drainage, snowplow, snowplowing, ice control, snow removal

Benefits of installing an egress window

Posted by william bateman on Mon, Dec 17, 2012 @ 06:46 PM

If you are considering remodeling your basement you will likely find that your town requires the installation of egress windows. Most building codes mandate that egress windows be installed in order to provide an adequate escape route in an emergency situation, such as a fire. Besides adding safety and increasing your home's value, egress windows can greatly increase airflow and light, changing what was once a dark basement into a light, airy living space.

egress window contractor monroe ny

 Egress windows are designed to allow people to escape a basement in the event of a fire. Most often, egress windows are installed during a basement renovation in order to comply with local building codes. Many towns have specific measurements that must be met, so it will be necessary to contact your local building-codes office in order to find out exactly what size window you must install in your basement.

egress window installation central valley ny

Egress windows come in as many varieties as typical windows, with as many different levels of quality and insulation, depending on the manufacturer. But all egress windows are designed to provide a safe escape route in the event of emergency. Most often, they provide about 6 square feet of roughly rectangular window surface. Check with the manufacturer if there is any question of whether a particular window is suitable to be used as an egress window.

egress window installation contractor harriman ny


Benefits of adding an egress window:
  • Added safety

  • More natural light

  • Ventilation

  • Creates cleaner basement enviroment and decreases the chances for mold and mildew

  • Peace in mind that your loved ones will be safe

  • Added value

  • Aesthetically, they can change the look and feel of a basement


egress window contractor chester ny

 william m bateman monroe ny


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Egress windows Orange County, NY

Egress windows are essentially fire escape windows installed in finished basements. It is a national code that enstates that all finished basements must have a window of 5.7 sq. ft., no more than 44 inches to the sill height and 22 inch clear opening to be able to escape in case of an emergency.

egress window contactor hudson valley ny

A recent egress window installation byWMB Construction where we removed the sliding glass door, which had water/flooding issues, and installed a window.

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Here we closed in the block foundation and added a footing drain to relieve water pressure. Foundation will be tarred and backfilled with lots of 3/4" gravel to keep the water moving.

carpentry egress window ny

All parging is complete and window looks like it has always been there. A little paint to match is all the customer needs once concrete has cured. Water issues were corrected to keep this basement dry while also conforming to building codes.

Benefits by installing an egress window:

  • Added ventilation to your basement

  • Added natural light which helps prevent growth of mold and mildew

  • Peace in mind that your loved ones will be protected and safe from harms way

  • Added value to your home

contractor, bathroom, kitchens, remodel

What is an egress window?



An egress window is a window that is required in specific locations in a dwelling and is intended to provide an emergency means of exiting a dwelling. Windows must meet specific size and requirements to qualify as an egress window.egress windows concrete orange county ny




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Egress windows Orange County, NY

Egress windows are essentially fire escape windows installed in finished basements. It is a national code that enstates that all finished basements must have a window of 5.7 sq. ft., no more than 44 inches to the sill height and 22 inch clear opening to be able to escape in case of an emergency.

egress window contactor hudson valley ny

A recent egress window installation byWMB Construction where we removed the sliding glass door, which had water/flooding issues, and installed a window.

general contractor monroe woodbury ny

Here we closed in the block foundation and added a footing drain to relieve water pressure. Foundation will be tarred and backfilled with lots of 3/4" gravel to keep the water moving.

carpentry egress window ny

All parging is complete and window looks like it has always been there. A little paint to match is all the customer needs once concrete has cured. Water issues were corrected to keep this basement dry while also conforming to building codes.

Benefits by installing an egress window:

  • Added ventilation to your basement

  • Added natural light which helps prevent growth of mold and mildew

  • Peace in mind that your loved ones will be protected and safe from harms way

  • Added value to your home

contractor, bathroom, kitchens, remodel

What is an egress window?



An egress window is a window that is required in specific locations in a dwelling and is intended to provide an emergency means of exiting a dwelling. Windows must meet specific size and requirements to qualify as an egress window.egress windows concrete orange county ny




Egress windows are required in every room used for sleeping purposes (bedrooms) on any floor and in basements with habitable space. If you are constructing a new home, the code requires that you put an egress window in each bedroom. It also requires an egress window in the basement if habitable rooms will be finished in the basement. If you install a basement bedroom or bedrooms, an egress window is required in each bedroom. If you have an existing home and you add a sleeping room in an unfinished basement, the code requires that you install an egress window in the sleeping room or rooms.





An egress window must satisfy four International Residential Code (IRC) criteria:

• Minimum width of opening: 20 in.

• Minimum height of opening: 24 in.

• Minimum net clear opening: 5.7 sq. ft. (5.0 sq. ft. for ground floor).

• Maximum sill height above floor: 44 in


The window must have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 sq. ft. Net clear opening refers to the actual free and clear space that exists when the window is open. It is not the rough opening size or the glass panel size, but the actual opening a person can crawl through.

The window opening must be operational from the inside without keys or tools. Bars, grilles and grates may be installed over windows but must be operational without tools or keys and still allow the minimum clear opening.

You might assume that a 20-in. by 24-in. window would be acceptable for egress. However, those dimensions would yield a net clear opening of only 3.3 sq. ft. To achieve the required net clear opening of 5.7 sq. ft., a 20-in. wide window would have to be 42 in. high. Likewise, a 24-in. high window would have to be 34 in. wide









Topics: construction-general-painting-monroe, Monroe NY, orange county ny, General Contractor, construction-general, Construction, basements, construction-general--monroe, Roofing Monroe NY, contractor, windows, certainteed, anderson

From old to new using Benjamin Moore paint

Posted by william bateman on Sat, Dec 15, 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Is your home looking old and deteriorated? Does the thought of spending thousands to replace leave you with a pounding headache? The anwser is to save what you have and enhance it with a Benjamin Moore paint upgrade. For a fraction of the cost to replace, you can beautify your home instantly without the mess of a major renovation.

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painting contractor monroe ny



Benefits of painting:

  • Instant results

  • Superior protection

  • Removal of any mold and mildew

  • Cheaper than replacingpainting painter contractor chester ny

  • Thousands of colors to choose from

  • Can change colors at any time as opposed to pre-colored vinyl or composites

  • Cleaner appearance and smell




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 This is a project before we started in beautiful Monroe, NY. The appearance was that the staircase was in need of complete replacement. After evaluating the integrity of the staircase I came to the conclusion that the problem was years of mold and mildew build up. This was great news for both me and the customer.



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How did WMB Construction enhance the staircase:

  • Treated all mold and mildew with bleach to kill it

  • Powerwashed all surfaces

  • Applied primer where necessary

  • Glued and nailed loose railing sections

  • Caulked voids where necessary

  • Applied two coats of Benjamin Moore exterior grade latex paint to all surfaces




071 resized 600

 The results are unmatched and within two days, years of damaged had been fixed. With two coats of Benjamin Moore high grade latex paint, all the surfaces have been sealed for years of continued use. Preparation and the use of good quality products is everything when producing a quality finished product!!! 



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Topics: construction-general-painting-monroe, Monroe NY, painting, General Contractor, remodeling, remodel, Construction, construction-general--monroe, contractor, painter, paint

Start planning your outdoor project now!

Posted by william bateman on Thu, Jan 05, 2012 @ 09:47 AM

home improvement contractor harriman ny

Dreaded winter has arrived bringing in the cold and windy weather that we experience every year here in the northeast. Bathing suits and barbeques have been put away and for most of us our outdoor activities have been moved indoors. But rest assure, summer is not too far away!

Now is the time to start planning for your homes outside oasis!


Besides the occassional vacation here and there, your home is the area where you live and create the most memories in. From everyday life to the family parties to the last minute BBQ,s with a few friends. Creating a peaceful and tranquil outdoor enviroment to your home will not only greatly increase the value of your home but also offer that vacation feeling without the hassles.

Three recommended outdoor enhancements: 

1) Deck

 deck builder home improvements chester ny

  • Added entertaining area

  • Can be constructed around pools

  • Screen in areas can be created

  • Elevated decks can be built for second story applications

  • Added value to your home

  • Options of treat/cedar lumber or mantainance free composite

2) Pool House/Purgula

composite decks builder home improvements

  • Added outdoor kitchen areas can be added to your entertaining area

  • Hidden pool equipment and protected inside from mother nature

  • Purgulas add a unique look to any project and help filter sun

  • Create outdoor shower and changing area

3) Concrete patio


stamped concrete deck buildercentral valley ny

  • Offers added entertaining area at ground level

  • Great base for fire pits

  • Variety of colors


Now is the time to start planning for your outdoor projects!







general contractor orange county ny


Topics: construction-general-painting-monroe, Monroe NY, orange county ny, bathrooms, outdoors, Roofing Monroe NY, kitchens, excavating, general, contractor, home, improvements

Five key factors to a successful exterior paint job

Posted by Bill Bateman on Wed, Dec 29, 2010 @ 01:20 PM

Many years in the painting industry have given us the do and dont's for a professional paint job that adds long lasting beauty to your home at a fraction of the cost of vinyl siding. Paint also always leaves the option open to change the color and appearance of your home at any given time. At any given time you can change the facade of your home within days without the mess of a full exterior renovation.

.remodel northern windows

Five key factors to a successful and long lasting exterior paint job:

1) Powerwashing surface is a very crucial part of preping the surface to remove all dirt, grime, and mildew from surfaces to be painted. Paint will not adhere to surfaces correctly if this step is skipped.

2) Use of a good exterior caulk holding at least a 25yr. warranty is necessary. Caulk is used to fill all voids before paint is applied and keeps water from penetrating areas that are open to rot. Most rot in homes go undetected for years before noticed usually leaving devastating damage especially if carpenter ant or termites are involved.

3) Before paint is applied it it usually recommended to add an ingredient called Emulsa-Bond to paint. This product increases the adhesion of paint dramatically especially when paint is being applied to aluminum, concrete, or espestos sidings.

4) For the best possible application of paint is still the brush and roller method. Sorry to all the guys that like to spray homes but it is tried and true that by hand you get a better and thicker coat, doubling the life span of the job.

5) The most important is to apply a good quality paint. We always use Benjamin Moore products and have had great success over the years with their product. Just keep in mind that even Benjamin Moore carries different grades of paint with qualities that range in price so inquire which one is being applied to your home. 





A recent customer wanted to replace their entire staircase because of the ugly apperance to the front entrance of their home. WMB Construction also specializes in carpentry so we could have replaced the staircase at a much higher cost. Instead, after inspecting the staircase we found that it was structurally sound.




 Many times we run into decks that are in poor condition and we bring them back to life and get you many more years out of your wood deck. We can inspect your deck and most of the time your deck can be salvaged.


Services we offer:



Topics: construction-general-painting-monroe, Monroe NY, painting, General Contractor, contractor, egress windows