Home Improvement Blog

Enhancement and saftey when adding an egress window to your basement

Posted by william bateman on Wed, Mar 16, 2011 @ 10:27 PM

Most of my customers are not to familiar with the word "egress". It is a term that mostly defines a fire escape window in your homes basement that acts as an exit in case of an emergency. It is the most effective way to move you and your loved ones out of harms way in case tragedy does occur. Can you imagine your loved ones trapped under fire with nowhere to go? Horrible thought but it happens more often then you can imagine.

What you Risk by not having an egress window:


  • In time of a possible tragedy, you and your loved ones need to be able to escape
  • National building codes require egress windows so if tragedy occurs, you will be held at fault.
  • When you sell, most building departments will require installation of an egress window.(not doing so will most likely create huge delays in closing dates)

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Within a few days we will cleanly dig and cut your foundation out for your newly installed egress window. With many installs under our belt, we have perfected installing egress windows with minimal dust and damage. Most contractors cut from the inside- out, we have perfected a technique from the outside-in that brings dust levels to extreme lows. Cutting on the inside reduces dust contents to an extreme low leaving your home virtually free of contaminating particles. Cutting inside will create enormous dust up to three stories high. It is kind of amazing where concrete dust will travel!

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 The ground has been excavated and concrete removed from the outside. This is a huge part of performing a quality and clean job when performing an egress window. You cannot believe the damage that can be done by hiring an unexperienced contractor for a project like this. Dust control is priority as well as maintaining the integrity of your foundation.

Egress windows will also enhance your basement:


  • More natural lightgreenwood excavating monroe ny
  • Better ventilation
  • Less mold and mildew
  • Makes rooms appear larger


Egress windows are a huge investment to your home. From protection to enhancement, think about what you will gain! It is one of the projects in your home you think the least about, but will have one of the biggest effects in the future!

I have to say, most of my calls for egress windows come from home sales that hold up closings for weeks or maybe months. You may have bought your home years ago and during inspection it was overlooked! The new codes have building departments all over enforcing it, and you may/or may not get away with it. If you are looking to sell, do your research ahead of time because the building department can make the closing process painful and costly for both buyer and seller! Most delays range from 3 weeks to a couple of months!

On the other hand, look into the safety and benefits an egress window will add to your home. Pound per penny, it is a wise investment.

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Topics: Monroe NY, orange county ny, General Contractor, remodeling, Creations, egress windows